FisheriesNews Rapat Koordinasi Perbaikan Perikanan di Jawa Timur Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2023, Sahabat Laut Lestari menghadiri pertemuan “Koordinasi Perbaikan Perikanan di Jawa…TeamSLLFebruary 1, 2023
Inside SLLNews Sahabat Laut Lestari Kick-Off Meeting 2023 Sahabat Laut Lestari kick-off meeting conducted on January 10-12, 2023 attended by all #TeamSLL with…TeamSLLJanuary 25, 2023
Article Manfaat Rumpon dan Fungsinya bagi Perikanan Manfaat Rumpon atau Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) adalah salah satu alat bantu pengumpul ikan yang…TeamSLLJanuary 16, 2023
Fisheries Tuna Fun Fact Tuna fun fact has nutritional value and high economic value (Thunnus and Katsuwonus species). The…TeamSLLDecember 30, 2022
Fisheries What is ETP Species ETP species (Endangered, threatened, and protected) are rare, endangered, and protected species that are accidentally…TeamSLLDecember 22, 2022
Fisheries Fakta Gurita yang Menarik untuk Diketahui Gurita atau dalam bahasa latin Octopus spp termasuk dalam kelas Cephalopoda memiliki beberapa fakta gurita…TeamSLLDecember 14, 2022
ArticleFeatures Traceability Software in Indonesia and FIP Support Sustainable Fisheries As we know that both traceability and fishery improvement project implementation is critical to ensure…TeamSLLOctober 5, 2022
ArticleFeatures Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) and Certification Impact Both fishery improvement project, or FIP and fisheries certification will improve the value of fisheries…TeamSLLOctober 3, 2022
ArticleFeatures What is Seafood Traceability Programs Seafood traceability is the ability to fully trace a product from the point of sale…TeamSLLOctober 1, 2022