Why Us

Sahabat Laut Lestari aims to solve the problem of fish laundering happening in Indonesia and globally, in which the illegally caught fishes get into the legal supply chain. We believe our Traceability Information Technology can help to reveal the captured and recorded data to customers, from the catching to shipping and distribution process.

Sahabat Laut Lestari © sahabatlautlestari.com

Our Impact


Processing Companies


Tons Traceable Product


Fisheries Product

Our Solution 

Trusted traceability software solution for seafood processing companies to digitally capture and manage data collected through all stages



Traceability Software in indonesia © sahabatlautlestari.comArticleFeatures
October 5, 2022

Traceability Software in Indonesia and FIP Support Sustainable Fisheries

As we know that both traceability and fishery improvement project implementation is critical to ensure the sustainability of fisheries practice in the supply chain including Indonesia as one of the…
Fishery Improvement Project © sahabatlautlestari.comArticleFeatures
October 3, 2022

Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) and Certification Impact

Both fishery improvement project, or FIP and fisheries certification will improve the value of fisheries products and ensure the sustainability aspect of the fisheries activities that include stock, environment and…
Seafood Traceability Program © sahabatlautlestari.comArticleFeatures
October 1, 2022

What is Seafood Traceability Programs

Seafood traceability is the ability to fully trace a product from the point of sale back to its point of origin. This is required to follow general food law, fisheries…

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