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The Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technology (SAFET) Conference 2023, held on October 3-5 in Bali, Indonesia, was a resounding success. The conference, which was organized by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (CCMRS), and ID Food, brought together fishermen, industry representatives, fisheries managers, scientists, policymakers, and various stakeholders in the fishing industry alongside technology experts, developers, and service providers.

© sahabatlautlestari.comThe theme of the SAFET Conference was “Impact at Scale for a Sustainable and Resilient Future,” and it was clear that technology is playing an increasingly important role in achieving these goals. One of the highlights of the conference was the presentation by Sahabat Laut Lestari, an organization that is empowering small-scale fisheries in Indonesia with technology.

Sahabat Laut Lestari has developed a mobile-based app called Perahu Apps, which enables fishers to access and provide streamlined operations from fishers to seafood supply chains. Perahu Apps offers a variety of features that benefit both fishers and the seafood industry as a whole.

© sahabatlautlestari.comFor the seafood industry, Perahu Apps provides a more transparent and efficient way to source seafood. The app allows buyers to track the catch from the boat to the plate, ensuring they get fresh, high-quality seafood.

During the “Building Resilient Coastal Communities” session at the SAFET Conference 2023, Sahabat Laut Lestari’s Director presented how Perahu Apps is empowering small-scale fisheries in Indonesia. The presentation highlighted the benefits of the app for both fishers and the seafood industry, and it generated a lot of interest from the audience.

In addition to Perahu Apps, there were a number of other innovative technologies on display at the SAFET Conference 2023. These technologies included:

  • Smart fishing gear: Smart fishing gear uses sensors to collect data on the catch, such as the size and species of fish. This data can be used to improve fisheries management and reduce bycatch.
  • Blockchain technology: Blockchain technology can be used to track the seafood supply chain from the boat to the plate. This can help to ensure that seafood is fresh and safe, and it can also help to prevent illegal fishing.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): AI can be used to analyze data on fisheries and seafood supply chains. This information can be used to improve fisheries management, reduce waste, and increase efficiency.

The SAFET Conference 2023 was a valuable opportunity for stakeholders in the fishing industry to learn about the latest technological advancements and to network with potential partners. The conference also highlighted the important role that technology is playing in empowering small-scale fisheries and building resilient coastal communities.

Empowering Small-Scale Fisheries

Small-scale fisheries play a vital role in the global economy, providing food and livelihoods for millions of people. However, small-scale fishers are often marginalized and lack access to the resources and technology they need to succeed.

Technology can play a key role in empowering small-scale fisheries. For example, Perahu Apps is providing small-scale fishers with access to information and markets that they would not otherwise have. This is helping them to improve their incomes and livelihoods.

Other technologies, such as smart fishing gear and blockchain technology, can also help small-scale fishers to improve their productivity and efficiency. This can make them more competitive in the global marketplace.

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