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Traceability Software is one of the solutions from Sahabat Laut Lestari to address the numerous challenges faced by the fishing industry globally, including in Indonesia. One such challenge is fish laundering, where illegally caught fish infiltrate the legal supply chain. In addition, companies involved in remote fish processing may struggle to gather sufficient data due to poor geographical conditions and internet connectivity. To tackle these issues, Sahabat Laut Lestari has developed TraceTales™, a reliable traceability software solution that enables the electronic collection, processing, and reporting of data at every stage of the processing process, specifically designed for seafood processing companies.

Why Traceability Software are so important?

Seafood traceability has become a crucial requirement in the industry, with major seafood markets such as the U.S. establishing the Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP). This program mandates reporting and record keeping for thirteen seafood species groups to prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated seafood from entering U.S. commerce. SIMP not only protects the national economy and global food security but also promotes the sustainability of shared ocean resources.

Given the need and significance of seafood traceability programs, all stakeholders in the seafood industry are encouraged to implement traceability in their supply chain. However, managing and implementing traceability data can be challenging, particularly in remote areas, small-scale fisheries, and low infrastructure settings. Technology can help overcome these challenges and establish a reliable traceability data process in the supply chain.

TraceTales™ as Traceability Software Solution

TraceTales™ is a reliable traceability software solution developed by Sahabat Laut Lestari for seafood processing companies. It enables the digital capture and management of data collected throughout all stages of the supply chain, from receiving raw materials to processing, packaging, shipping, and distribution. TraceTales™ software has a user-friendly system operated within the Local Area Network (LAN), resulting in proper deployment even in areas with poor or unstable internet connection. TraceTales™ can help fisheries entrepreneurs in the process of managing fish data regularly and the use of internal Lot Code makes it easier to trace fish sources from fishing area codes, supplier codes, and fish processing dates.

How to Implement TraceTales™ in a Processing Company?

Here are some steps required to implement TraceTales™: 

Assessment TraceTales™

Assesment TraceTales © had a comprehensive visit to the factory where they observed the entire workflow of the fish processing, from receiving and processing to shipment, while also gathering valuable information about the data requirements of the plant, the placement station plan for TraceTales™, the location of the primary server, and the connection or network setup.

Mockup Traceability Software and Implementation Design

After completing the assessment process, #TeamSLL developed a mock-up that fulfills the company’s requirements and compiled a list of recommended hardware to be utilized for TraceTales™.

Installation and Training Traceability Software

Training TraceTales © sahabatlautlestari.comOnce the hardware is ready, #TeamSLL revisits the processing company to install the TraceTales™ system and conducts a two-day training program for the TraceTales™ users. The training program encompasses a range of topics, including system usage and risk management, to ensure efficient and effective use of the system.

Live Implementation

#TeamSLL will be available to provide assistance during the live implementation of TraceTales™, ensuring that everything working properly. In addition, any necessary adjustments will be made during the first assessment to optimize the system’s performance.

Remote Monitoring and Support System

TraceTales™ offers a comprehensive remote support system and regular monitoring to assist all TraceTales™ users in resolving any bugs or troubleshooting implementation issues. This ongoing support ensures that the system remains fully functional and optimized for the company’s needs.

Monitoring and Evaluation Visit

Traceability Software - SLL © will conduct regular monitoring and evaluation visits to all TraceTales™ users to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the system. During these visits, TraceTales™ users will have the opportunity to evaluate the implementation, and #TeamSLL will assess TraceTales™ performance on each process stage to identify any areas for improvement.

If you looking to implement traceability software to support your business process and expand your market access, please contact us here and our team will assist you to find the best solution on digitalize your seafood processing flow.


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