Sahabat Laut Lestari as a sustainable fisheries implementer in ecological, social, and economic aspects works and positions as a fisheries social enterprise. As we know, social enterprises need to have a clear primary social or environmental mission, which is set out in their governing documents and at the core of our operations. Social enterprises are accountable to their mission, they reinvest the majority of their surpluses in pursuit of their mission. This proportion of investment is one of the most significant distinctions between social enterprises and private businesses, which, instead of investing a majority, might invest a discretionary portion of their surplus as part of corporate strategy.
This year, Sahabat Laut Lestari was verified as a Social Enterprise by SEWF – Social Enterprise World Forum C.I.C. as part of a global movement to encourage and empower social enterprises and we are listed on the SEWF Good Market Network. SEWF is growing the global social enterprise movement to accelerate our transition to a new global impact economy. SEWF has the primary social or environmental mission.
We are excited to be part of this growing community and look forward to learning, being inspired, and progressing with this charged bunch of people and enterprises. SEWF has the primary social or environmental mission and seeks to provide market access opportunities in countries around the world where verification does not currently exist. As SE we have benefits like access to training, new sales channel, discounted service, pro-bono support, and social procurement.
SEWF Verification was designed in consultation with partners around the world. It recognizes existing regional and national social enterprise verification systems, builds on existing knowledge and expertise, and provides accessible, affordable, and culturally responsive social enterprise verification in places where such options do not exist. The service aims to support the growth of the global social enterprise ecosystem and expand market access for all social enterprises globally.
More detail about the verification process could be read and followed through this link.